Write For Us

TechTimes95 is looking for writers who can contribute to our blog.

TechTimes95 is looking for writers who can contribute to our blog. We are looking for new ideas, new perspectives and ways to do things.

We are also looking for people to talk with!

Write for Us

We want to hear from you. We want to hear your ideas, opinions and feedback on our website. We also want to hear your suggestions for how we can improve the site and make it better for both users and writers alike!

If you have any criticism or concerns about how we do things, please let us know so that we can address them.

What we’re looking for

We are looking for writers who can contribute to our blog. You must be passionate about tech and business, and have a solid understanding of the English language. You should also be a native speaker of English, as we want you to write in your native tongue (as this will help us stay consistent with what’s being written).

We love writing about all things tech-related but if you’re not interested in writing about this topic then don’t worry! We can still find ways for your voice to become part of the content on Tech & Business.

We love working with new writers and fresh talent, so if you have a passion for the written word and are interested in contributing towards our blog, we’d love to hear from you!

We love working with new writers and fresh talent, so if you have a passion for the written word and are interested in contributing towards our blog, we’d love to hear from you!

We will get back to you once your submission is approved by our editorial team.

What we publish

We publish a variety of content, including:

  • Tech and business. We cover the latest developments in technology and innovation, including how they’re affecting your life. You’ll find articles on everything from blockchain to artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Education. We look at educational trends from around the world and provide tips on how you can prepare for college or university admissions tests like SATs or ACTs. If you’re thinking about starting up a new business, we have information about running a startup company as well as providing practical advice on growing your business into something bigger than yourself!

Other topics we Cover:

  • Write for us “Technology”
  • Write for us “Finance”
  • Write for us “SEO”
  • Write for us “Video Game”
  • Write for us “How To”
  • Write for us “Entertainment”
  • Write for us “Digital Marketing”
  • Write for us “Phone Leak”
  • Write for us “Business”
  • Write for us “Gaming”
  • Write for us “Innovation”
  • Write for us “Web Development”
  • Write for us “B2B”
  • Write for us “Education”
  • Write for us “Health”
  • Write for us “Programing”
  • Write for us “Fashion”

Share your thoughts on trends, techniques, and technologies in these topics.

  • You need to be a tech expert.
  • You need to be able to write about the topic in a way that people can understand.
  • You should write in an interesting way, so it’s not just technical jargon for no one but yourself and your co-workers (or boss).

Our main aim is to help readers pursue their passions and feel excited about learning new things.

We want to help our readers learn new things, whether it’s about technology or business. We also want to inspire them by sharing stories from successful entrepreneurs who have overcome obstacles in their lives and found success through perseverance and hard work.

Here are some tips on how to write for us.

We’re a tech and business magazine, so it’s important that your article is written in the style of our publication. We also want to make sure that it’s an interesting read and has something new to say.

Here are some tips on how to write for us:

  • Write about what you know – You should be able to speak intelligently about the subject matter of your article without giving away too much information about yourself or your personal life. If there’s anything in particular about yourself (such as hobbies), feel free to mention them but try not get too personal!
  • Write with enthusiasm – When writing for us, we want our readers excited about reading each new piece; this will make them want more content from us in the future! So make sure every sentence has that sparkle!
  • Use our checklist below as part of your submission process before sending any articles over:

Choose a topic that interests you and write about it in your own voice.

  • Choose a topic that interests you and write about it in your own voice.
  • Don’t worry about writing the perfect article, just write something!
  • If you are stuck, ask yourself “what would I want to read?”

Include a topic synopsis that helps readers understand the purpose of your article.

A topic synopsis is a short paragraph that provides an overview of what you’re going to cover in your article. It should be concise, clear and engaging.

Include your name and contact information at the top of the page. Your headline will help attract readers’ attention to your article; it should be catchy enough that they can’t help but click through!

Use the checklist below as part of your submission process.

  • Spell check your submission.
  • Check that you are not submitting duplicated content. If your article has already been published by another author, or you have made significant changes to an existing article, it will be rejected as duplicate content. You can submit it again if this is the case and include an explanation in the comments section of why this happened (the submission process is open-source).
  • Make sure that all images used in your submission are licensed properly and do not violate copyright laws or defamation laws (for example: “I saw this piece on CNN today and thought it was funny”). This includes GIFs as well! As long as they’re not violating any copyright law then there shouldn’t be any problems here – just make sure they don’t violate defamation laws first before uploading them into Wirite

We do not accept duplicate content. Avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes (take help of Grammarly or other tools).

  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Avoid grammatical or spelling mistakes (take help of Grammarly or other tools).

You can also suggest topics that you would like to cover on our blog. We will get back to you once your submission is approved by our editorial team.

You can also suggest topics that you would like to cover on our blog. We will get back to you once your submission is approved by our editorial team.

How to submit (and what happens next)

If you have an awesome idea or want to share your knowledge with other tech enthusiasts, drop us a line at contact@techtimes95.com. We will get back to you once your submission is approved by our editorial team and we do not accept duplicate content.

Avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes (take help of Grammarly or other tools) and make sure that the content is related to technology or Business in some way.