How To Apply For Sassa 350

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During Covid, one way that many people have received this assistance is through the SASSA R350 grant. If you are looking to apply for this grant, read on for a step-by-step guide on how to do so.


Step 1: Check your eligibility


Before applying for the SASSA R350 grant, you need to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria. The SASSA R350 grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are unemployed, do not receive any other form of social grant, and do not receive any form of income from an employer or UIF.


Step 2: Gather the necessary documentation


To apply for the SASSA R350 grant, you will need to provide certain documentation. This includes a certified copy of your ID or passport, proof of residence, and a bank statement that shows that you do not have any income. If you do not have a bank account, you will need to open one before applying.


Step 3: Apply online or in person


You can apply for the SASSA R350 grant online or in person. To apply online, visit the SASSA website and click on the “Apply for R350 grant” button. Follow the prompts to create an account and complete the application form.


To apply in person, visit your nearest SASSA office and complete the application form. Make sure to bring all of the required documentation with you.


Step 4: Wait for a response


After submitting your application, you will need to wait for a response from SASSA. This can take up to several weeks, as there are many applications to process.


You can check the status of your application by using the SASSA status check service, which allows you to track the progress of your application. To use this service, click on this link:


Step 5: Receive your payment


If your application is approved, you will receive your payment through the bank account that you provided. You can use your bank card to collect r350 grant from an ATM or use it to make purchases.




Applying for the SASSA R350 grant can provide much-needed financial assistance to those who are struggling to make ends meet. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your application is complete and has the best chance of being approved.


Remember to check your eligibility, gather the necessary documentation, apply online or in person, wait for a response, and receive your payment.


If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, contact SASSA directly or speak to a representative at your nearest SASSA office.


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