How to Make a Murphy Bed Out of Pallets?

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Pallets are a versatile and affordable material that can be used to make a wide range of furniture, including a Murphy bed. With a few tools and a bit of creativity, you can easily make a stylish and functional Murphy bed using pallets, saving you money on the cost of a pre-made bed. In this article, we’ll show you how to make a Murphy bed out of pallets, step by step.

A Murphy bed, also known as a wall bed, is a bed that can be easily folded up and stored against the wall to save space. These beds are a great solution for small homes, apartments, and guest rooms, and with the right materials and instructions, anyone can make their own. In this article, we’ll show you how to make a Murphy bed out of pallets, so you can have a functional and stylish bed that saves you space and money.

Materials Needed

To make a Murphy bed out of pallets, you’ll need a few key materials, including pallets, a hardware kit, mattress, and bedding. The specific materials you’ll need will depend on the size of the bed you want to make and your personal preferences.

Choose the Right Pallets

The first step in making a Murphy bed out of pallets is to choose the right pallets. You’ll want to choose pallets that are sturdy and in good condition, free of cracks or splits. You can often find pallets at your local hardware store or online, and they are often available for free or at a low cost.

Cut the Pallets to Size

Once you have the right pallets, the next step is to cut them to size. Be sure to measure your space carefully, taking into account the size of the mattress and the space you’ll need to fold and store the bed.

Assemble the Bed Frame

Once the pallets are cut to size, the next step is to assemble the bed frame. This will provide the support for the mattress and allow you to easily fold and store the bed against the wall.

Install the Hardware Kit

The next step is to install the hardware kit. This kit includes the mechanism that will allow you to easily fold and store the bed against the wall. The kit should include instructions for installation, but if you’re not confident in your DIY skills, you may want to have a professional handle this step.

Attach the Mattress

Once the hardware kit is installed, the next step is to attach the mattress. You’ll want to choose a mattress that is the right size for your bed frame and provides enough support for comfortable sleeping.

Add Bedding

After the mattress is in place, the final step is to add bedding. Choose bedding that matches your personal style and provides the right amount of comfort for a good night’s sleep.

Test the Bed

Before using your new Murphy bed, be sure to test it out to make sure it’s functioning properly. Check that the bed opens and closes smoothly and that the mattress is supported properly.

Secure the Bed to the Wall

To ensure the safety of the bed and anyone using it, it’s important to secure the bed to the wall. This can be done using brackets or straps, and the hardware kit should include instructions for doing this.


Finally, decorate your new Murphy bed to match your personal style. Add a headboard, shelves, or other accessories to make the bed a functional and stylish addition to your home.


In conclusion, making a Murphy bed out of pallets is a great DIY project that can save you money and space in your home. With a few tools, some creativity, and a bit of patience, anyone can make a stylish and functional Murphy bed that fits their needs and personal style. Whether you’re looking to create a guest room or simply maximize the space in your home, a Murphy bed made from pallets is a great option. So why wait? Get started on your Murphy bed project today.

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